JAppGen is being developed in a stepwise manner, by implementing the functionality necessary to generate a series of progressively more complex examples. Each of these will constitute a full J2EE application, in that it will display to the user a tiled front end backed by JavaServer Faces components managing input validation and navigation from screen to screen, a middle tier handling business objects, and then a persistence layer implemented with Hibernate, responsible for mapping between objects in the middle tier and a back end database.
At this stage in JAppGen's evolution, each of the sample applications will be described by a jags specification in the eg/ directory. For example, the directory structure down to logMeIn/ looks like:
+$JAPPGEN_HOME +eg logMeIn.jags +logMeIn ...
As currently conceived, logMeIn.jags is a single file, a Relax NG schema augmented by the information necessary to generate the J2EE application.
Each of the sample applications is a step in JAppGen's specification. The intention is to specify additional functionality in small chunks and then implement the necessary changes to jags and JAppGen's code generation facilities. At this time our modest ambitions extend to
- logMeIn, a J2EE application that allows users to log in and out against a static database
- registerMe, an extension of logMeIn which allows users to also open an account, with the system sending by email a password to anyone who submits valid login parameters
These and other sample applications will appear in the menu on the left as they are formulated.